SALE $ 395 Sold to Denpasar by ESL Lorena N 898856. 25/3/09 BCA
Power output 150 Watt .Body Repaint Serial NO: 706306XAntenna Tuner are working .The
Kenwood TS-440SAT has the
AT-440 antenna tuner built-in.
ALL menu are function properly. including 100 Memory. Final are original 2 X 2SC2879. To be Use Not for Resale. Kenwood TS-440S was designed for superior performance in the the SSB, CW, AM, FM and AFSK modes. Coverage is 160 through 10 meters including the WARC bands with 150 watts final amplifier stage (40W AM). Requires 13.8 VDC at 27.5 amps. MC-43S hand mic included.
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